Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Masters of Business (MBA) Information

As per request of a follower, I’ve gathered some interesting information on MBAs from The Economist.

First, let’s take a peek at their rankings of the top 10 MBA programs:

Getting In:
Check out this link to see a video of two students discuss their experiences of applying to business school:

Let’s Talk Money:
According to The Economist, the financial services sector is still the biggest employer of recently graduated MBAs with 22% finding their way into finance or accounting last year, compared to the other common sector, consulting (15%). You may want to take note of these facts: “ many others in the economy see their pay squeezed, the salaries of MBA graduates are increasing. The median base salary for students who graduated in 2010 was $94,500—20% more than their pre-MBA salary. This compares with an average salary of $91,500 in 2009, US$90,000 in 2008 and US$89,000 in 2007. Students could also expect a bonus of $17,565.”

Additional facts:
- 93% of last year’s MBAs are in work, including 7% who are self-employed
- The average student submitted 33 CVs, attended six interviews and received two job offers

Find more information about all of the above plus more at their website The Economist


  1. wow my head hurts! smarter than me in that regard

  2. Interesting info. Also, I would like to point out to anyone who doesn't know CVs are the grown-up version of resumes.

  3. so the bottom line is that its getting better for students's economy

  4. Looks like your job prospects are sound then. Just please don't cause another global financial crisis :)

  5. Wow, impressive results. I didn't realize the money you could earn with one.

  6. I wonder if these schools ever offer scholarships, or at least somehow help students to cover their study expences?

  7. I didn't realize there was such a demand for MBA's or that they made so much money straight out of school. Very impressive

  8. never going to make it to those on the top of the list :(

  9. A friend of mine got her MBA, I forget where. She can go almost anywhere and get a job.

    I would've gotten into business, but I smoke too much pot. I might get the numbers wrong.

  10. 93%!? Not bad! Not bad at all. Reading these statistics is tempting me to change majors haha.

  11. this is indeed intresting, hoping you post more intresting stuff

  12. I would love to trade majors with you right now :P

  13. My dad's got an MBA from Cornell. He pretty much always had job offers and actually had to kind of go off the grid a bit when he wanted to open his own low key business to stop getting pestered.

  14. Impressive job numbers.

  15. those are all really hard schools to get into, your really have to have some high grades and some solid connections.

  16. do you own your own business? :P
